
太歲星君依六十甲子輪值,每年輪流守護民間大眾。儘管是廣為人知的民間文化,但其事蹟卻不見經傳,民眾甚至對其文化:犯太歲和安太歲的確切意涵一知半解。 為宣揚台灣在地文化,本作品為六十太歲的專屬套組,內容包括:將生平故事編成方便閱讀的書冊、能一目瞭然傳說事蹟的插圖明信片、讓太歲的祝福能隨身攜帶的卡套、手機板⋯⋯等具教育性的設計。讓民眾能在家中自行安太歲,同時深入理解六十太歲的生平事蹟與其文化,並了解自己與太歲間的關係連結,不再只是人云亦云地去膜拜,藉此達成將經典文化永續傳承。 The Tai Sui corresponds to the 60-year cycle of stem branches, governing people's yearly fortune. The origin of the story is not widely known, the Tai Sui Generals, despite being a famous Chinese folk tale. We take note, using a newly designed Bagua system that illustrates and introduces the Tai Sui with sixty collectible portable charm sets. The product provides understanding of one's own protector guardian and helps preserve the cultural heritage.


運用字體設計的logo設計用心,將品類融入在字體內別具用心,把傳統優化年輕化,讓年輕的ta更加接納 標準字設計得宜,神像繪製精彩,暗喻豐富故事性。


  • 作者: 林O涓
  • 作品名稱: 歲歲平安